Tracing The Post-Internet

  • Robin Peckham: Tracing The Post-Internet, DASplatforms, [1:03:33]

“Robin Peckham / Tracing the Post-Internet: A Case Study in Curatorial Process Thursday 10 July, 2014 What are the relationships between the movement that has come to be called ‘post-internet’ and the media realities of the historical moment that enables it? This talk will present the curatorial process and research behind the exhibition Art Post-Internet co-curated by Peckham, paying close attention to the differences between survey methodologies and thematic approaches. Peckham will respond to notions including the differences between intent and effect in artistic practice, the tension between documentation and materiality in recent art, collaboration as a tool, the specificities of the exhibition and other possible realisations, and categories of curatorial work from essayistic narrative compositions to forms of analysis. This presentation will tentatively structure a logic by which we might be able to expand a thematic understanding of post-internet art based on an empirical understanding of its social core.”