Work integrated learning

Create a page in your digital folio to keep a record of the feedback you have received in group tutorials and from industry experts on your artworks. Upload an image of your artwork that was discussed in your Work Integrated Learning group tutorial and then use the following outline to record the feedback you received:

  • Write a brief description of the work using six key words
  • List any artists, artwork, writers, books, films or other ideas that were mentioned as reference points
  • What were your intentions? How did you realise them? Why were you investigating them?
  • What feedback did you receive about your work from your peers and lecturers, or from arts industry?
  • Outline themes, motifs or ideas the feedback suggested for further development, how will you progress with new works as a result of the feedback, what new ideas or directions for your work have been revealed to you, what is your next step?
  • Upload reference images, images in-process, diagrams for ideas

As an important part of your Work Integrated Learning experience you will actively participate in two exhibition projects. Exhibition projects take the following two forms, a WIL exhibition project or graduate exhibition.